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Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

they call him Holdem because he is able to hold em there for 15 minutes and do nothing but talk

vava_222 • 2 years ago


Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

Hehe gottem

makima_is_listening • 2 years ago


Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Fuck .........

Namoto Arikuari • 1 year ago

It makes sense

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

Hahahah XD

Daycrist • 5 months ago

Gotta pad that episode count to get more commercials....

Bro how can they crack their necks that much

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Can luffy's bones even crack? I mean, isn't that rubber too?

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

even his hair is rubber lmao (only explanation for Snakeman's hair)

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

haha yeah

Ace of Fire🔥 • 2 years ago

Bro it's not bones they crack. it's neck muscle if anyone crack their neck bone they'll die

Aksh Walia • 1 year ago

bruhh how the fuck can muscles crack. It's the bones!!

LordDemonKing • 1 year ago

Bro did you skip your school the sound of cracking is because in the space between our muscles and joints there was nitrogen bubbles bursting in our synovial fluid that produce this type of sound our body have oxygen, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen when we force or pop a muscle it perform a sudden result of bursting because of nitrogen bubbles also if our bone crack than it will be a sudden death or bone displacement

Aksh Walia • 1 year ago

Bruh, you didn't have to copy so much from google. That is what I said, the synovial liquid is between the joints (bones). Neither muscles nor bones crack, we just say it as "Bone Cracking".
Also, stop upvoting your own reply.

pattSan_sadaHaru • 1 year ago


Ace of Fire🔥 • 1 year ago

Ask your father what happens when someone crack your nick bones

Hungry Underdog • 2 months ago

im pretty sure its the air bubbles or something like that between each joint that makes that sound muscles cant crack bruv

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

It's anime

Snorlax • 2 weeks ago

Until they actually decide ded to move in the last like 8 minutes, they just doubled the time of every action (talking, neck cracking, crying, grunts going heheheh)

Fearless Freep • 1 year ago

They got me cracking MY neck!

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

Even mine does, but mine is long af and I'm not made out of rubber. But it's natural that it cracks that much

Keith • 2 years ago

Okiku: What should I do?
Zoro: Take care of your side.

Zoro then kill the enemies on his side and proceeds to run on the same side as Okiku

I'd say that's your typical Zoro there... yes...

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

Zoro is bad with directions, maybe he's the one wondering why did Okiku come to his side when he asked her to take care of her side

Emil Khalilov • 2 years ago


Mr.Cookie • 2 years ago

Why'd the pacing become so garbage again, the arc literally just started

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

episode title : fierce battle against Holdem
Actual episode : Fierce talk show with Holdem xD

Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Now that luffy has 1.5B bounty and even won against an emperor's right hand man if he had a tough time with this dude it would've been laughable

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Yeah it would I'm glad they didn't even drag the fight. They did the Red Hawk some justice

Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Yup one shot and he's dead

Yeah same bc I hate when the protagonist struggles for no reason

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Yeah, I'm glad it only took a punch but is holdem really that strong that you need Red Hawk or Luffy just felt like using Red Hawk?

Probably he felt like it luffy doesn’t think much lol

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

hahaha that's Luffy for ya

..Subarashi! • 1 year ago

The arc started too early and the manga ended up being longer than intended and the anime caught up too quickly.

Seasonal_Otaku • 2 years ago

Yeah luffy keep kicking their ass

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Entire Episode Budget in that ONE PUNCH

LoneKnight XI19 • 2 years ago

Eyy luffy looks a lot like ace in this ep

KyosisPlays • 1 year ago

He also did during the Marine Arc when he stood infront of the 3 Admirals.

HarshX • 2 years ago

I'm really missing seductive zoro😩

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago


Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Finally they animated their speed worthy of someone who's said to be the 5th emperor and his right hand man

Why did you throw Tama, Luffy?

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

coz he's probably thinking of catching her before she falls on the ground ig

Hajime Nagumo • 2 years ago

Don't worry gravity logic doesn't work In one piece or other animes lols

Yolo • 2 years ago

I don't wanna be that guy but its bc for us its slow motion and all these attacks are happening in seconds

Maigo Marimo • 2 years ago

why does law look infinite times more hot in that samarai outfit 🔥🔥

sl1cky • 1 year ago

He's Law. That man can make anyone's head turn

Even I think he goods look although I am straight